Sunday, November 13, 2005

Watch Out for Deer

Rochester, NY- from the Democrat & Chronicle, November 12, 2005. You have to be dedicated to ride in the Northeastern US after September. There's ice and snow. There are leaves that can be very slick when wet. Finally, there's the wild life. Somehow it happens that rutting season coincides with the fall leaf season, so just when lots of deer and moose are out there cruisin' for love, tons of drivers are out there looking for peak foliage.

The motorcyclist with modified pipes may have the advantage over those with standard ones in being able to provide large ruminants a bit of a heads-up. This will, at least in the case of deer, often get them out of the way. Moose move for no one.

If you're riding out there, the greatest risk may not be on the smaller country roads, but on the highways, like the Sawmill, where deer will try to cross a fast moving four lane road and not be able to clear the concrete median separator. They are stuck and scared, and facing traffic moving at 70+ mph. For the biker, there are no great options if you come over a rise and encounter this situation.

Be smart out there, especially if you've got a passenger-

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