Sunday, December 04, 2005

Stupid Biker of the Month- This One's From Australia

Buckland, from The Mercury- A rider, whose name was not included in the article, was stopped and ticketed at 1:20 on the Tasman highway buzzing along at 207 km/h. Six points and a $400 ticket later, he was back on the streets, chastened but apparently none the wiser. The four-month automatic license disqualification there doesn't go into effect until the fine is paid.

A short time later the same rider was caught and ticketed for cruising the same stretch of highway, this time at a more cautious 157 km/h. For the conversion challenged, 157 translates to about 98 mph! In case you were wondering, production bikes sold in the US are limited to a top speed of 87 mph out of the box.

The additional 6 points qualified the driver for an automatic suspension, this time extended to a total of 11 months!

The Mercury article...


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