Sunday, December 04, 2005

Dumb Tattoo Thief Caught

Waterford, MI, from One reason for getting tattoos removed is because of the social hooligan tag that employers may apply. Another one is of more immediate importance to criminals is that tattoos are a pretty visible means of identifying you. With that we come to Andrew Jeffrey Webster of Waterford, Michigan. Young Webster, 21, was filmed participating in a garden variety bank robbery in town on November 15.

While the tattoo was covered, enough of his was not, allowing local police to identity him. Well known enough to the locals for them to know he had a prominent tattoo saying "DUMB" on it, they figured it was a matter of time before having him get turned in. And, like a bad Hollywood plot, Webster was arrested in Detroit on November 19. He's in the Oakland County Jail on $150,000 cash bond.


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