Sunday, December 04, 2005

Coast Guard Tattoo Limits - NY Times

Katie Zezima of the NY Times picked this story up. We posted it last month, but it's always nice when one of the big papers run the story. Bottom line here is that the Coast Guard recently implemented a new policy on recruiting restrictions. If too many tattoos are visible, then recruits are turned away according to the new policy.

While all services have restrictions on offensive, racist or gang-related tattoos, the Army, the Navy and the Marines have begun forbidding new recruits to have tattoos on their neck, face, head or scalp. The Air Force goes further in requiring everyone, regardless of length of service, to cover all visible tattoos with a uniform or have them removed.

Pictured is Master Chief Petty Officer Buck Ward.

NY Times article-


At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey neighbor..check mine out


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