Sunday, October 30, 2005

Saving Africa One Motorbike At a Time

Virgin Air's Richard Branson recently announced a plan to help address major health issues in Africa through a program operating largely through distribution of health goods and services by motorcycle.

This week, from JEFFREY KLUGER, MICHAEL BRUNTON / LONDON, SIMON ROBINSON / JOHANNESBURG of Time Online, we get a story about Barry and Andrea Coleman-

Motorcycle Riders

The Colemans both have a motorcycle background, and working with Save the Children, are training motorcycle drivers and mechanics and helping to improve the supply chain of medicines and supplies to remote villages.

There are a few times when writing about motorcycles is not all about how fast you can go or how cool it is to ride one. It is humbling to realize and appreciate the value motorcycles represent as a humanitarian tool in a place where nothing else will quite fit the bill.


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