Sunday, October 23, 2005

Branson's "Heavens Angels" in Africa

US News ( - Washington Whispers 10.10.2005

"From Harley Hogs to Heaven's Angels- The most famous Harley-Davidson rider in the Senate, John Kerry, could soon be traveling to London or Africa to help Virgin's Richard Branson launch his latest idea: using motorcycles to deliver medicines to Africa's rural areas. "It's a great idea," says Kerry of the Brit's plan. "He may force me to do it." Branson, who discussed his "Heaven's Angels" plan with the former--and likely future--Democratic presidential hopeful, said he plans to raise money at a London motorcycle parade in November that will help fund the program. When told of Kerry's semicommitment, Branson eagerly encouraged us to publish it as a way of pressuring Kerry to join him. "If he said that, write it up, write it up."

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